How Not to Make A Brand Video – Generic Brand Video from McSweeney’s

Hilarious, yes.  Not sure what they’re selling?  But unfortunately, this fake video is too real.  

“This Is a Generic Brand Video” originally written by Kendra Eash for McSweeney’s Internet Tendency nailed what’s all too familiar in brand videos – banality.   No surprise it all stock video clips.

So where do brand films go wrong?

1) They overly intellectualize what they do.  There is no core story.  It’s just an exercise in a corporate-speak – a collection of gratuitous buzzwords, vapid hyperbole and cliche images that do little to differentiate a brand.

2) The human elements strive to connect to the heart with empathetic images.  But it smacks of everything that people hate about advertising – obviously manipulative, inconsequential awe-shucks stuff.  Babies, puppies, cute laughing faces.  

3) No original footage.  There’s nothing wrong with some stock footage.  Or time lapses, slow, motion or beautiful imagery.   But to tell a relevant, meaningful, personal story –  and escape the stereotypes–  you need to shoot some original footage. 

The effect of Generic Brand Videos are at best ineffective. At worst, insulting.  And, without question, impersonal and irrelevant.  Okay, unless you love anything with babies.

Our strategic planning process looks at your brand using a 90,000 Feet perspective.  A vantage point where you can evaluate your brand from every possible angle.  We create a detailed brand narrative that articulates who you are and why you are in the world.  We define the experience your brand creates for customers. Its value to people’s lives.  Its relevance.  And even the higher, 90,000 Feet purpose driving your brand.  Simply, why you brand matters!

This narrative articulation of  brand’s story not only distinguishes it from the pack, but fosters a sense of personal identity – not to mention trustworthiness and relevance.

A great quote from Set Godin reminds us, “In a crowded marketplace, fitting in is a failure. In a busy marketplace, not standing out is the same as being invisible.”

The kind of trust that goes beyond a celebrity voiceover.

As Oscar Wilde said, “Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.”

At 90.000 Feet, we help elevate brands with strategic storytelling to engage and motivate the world. 

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